
This is the base structure of the configuration .json file:

    "sheet_config": "active",
    "orientation": "column_based",
    "headers_index_config": {
        "row_index": {
            "first": "automatic",
            "last": "automatic"
        "column_index": {
            "first": "automatic",
            "last": "automatic"
    "data_index_config": {
        "row_index": {
            "first": "automatic",
            "last": "automatic"
        "column_index": {
            "first": "automatic",
            "last": "automatic"
    "data_type_config": [
            "header": "Text Column",
            "type": {
                "base": "string",
                "convert_numbers": true,
                "pattern": "^Text [0-9]$"
            "header": "Animals Column",
            "fail_on_type_error": true,
            "fail_on_empty_cell": true,
            "fail_on_header_not_found": true,
            "type": {
                "base": "enum",
                "enum_values": ["ape", "dog", "cat"],
                "filter": {
                    "whitelist_values": ["ape", "cat"]
    "filter_properties": {
        "excluded_fail_on_empty_cell": false,
        "excluded_fail_on_type_error": false,
        "excluded_enable_logging": false


This parameter configures which worksheet to choose. Only one worksheet can be read in one call.

Possible values are:

Value Type Example Meaning
active string “sheet_config”: “active” Chooses the active worksheet, that is the one that was active when last saving the workbook
first string “sheet_config”: “first” Chooses the first worksheet
last string “sheet_config”: “last” Chooses the last worksheet
name:<sheet_name> string “sheet_config”: “name:sheet2” Chooses the worksheet with the name <sheet_name>
<index> integer “sheet_config”: 2 The index of the worksheet. The first sheet gets index 1.


This parameter specifies the layout of the worksheet.

Possible values are:

Value Type Example Meaning
column_based string “orientation”: “column_based” Each header and its data is in one column
row_based string “orientation”: “row_based” Each header and its data is in one row

ASCII art for column_based

* header1   header2   header3 *
* value1    value1    value1  *
*                             *
* value2    value2    value2  *
*                             *
* value3    value3    value3  *

ASCII art for row_based

* header1 * value1   value2   value3 *
*         *                          *
* header2 * value1   value2   value3 *
*         *                          *
* header3 * value1   value2   value3 *


This dictionary specifies the location of the headers in the worksheet.

The dictionary always has 2 keys:

Value Type Meaning
row_index dictionary Defines the row cells for the headers in the chosen orientation.
column_index dictionary Defines the column cells for the headers in the chosen orientation.


Note that all row and column indices are 1-based. That means the upper left cell of a worksheet is in row 1 and column 1, just like in Excel.


This dictionary specifies the row cells for the headers in the chosen orientation. In column based orientation, the row_index matrix spans several cells in one row. In row based orientation,

The dictionary always has 2 keys:

Value Type Meaning
first string or integer Defines the first header row.
last string or integer Defines the last header row.


Possible values are:

Value Type Example Meaning
automatic string “first”: “automatic” A default of 1 is chosen.
<row_index> integer “first”: 2 A manually integer value greater than 1.


For column_based orientation, the first and last row must be identical if both are set manually.


Possible values are:

Value Type Example Meaning
automatic string “last”: “automatic”
column_based The value of the entry in ‘first’ is chosen. If it’s set to ‘automatic’, 1 is chosen.
row_based The worksheet dimensions are read by the library openpyxl. The greatest row index (of all rows) is chosen.
<row_index> integer “last”: 2 A manually set integer value not smaller than 1.
severalEmptyCells:<cell_count> string “last”: “severalEmptyCells:3”
column_based Same as ‘automatic’. The given <cell_count> value has no meaning.
row_based The last header row will be chosen using a search algorithm. If, after a non-empty row, several (<cell_count>) directly following empty cells are found, the last non-empty row is considered the last row.


This dictionary specifies the column cells for the headers in the chosen orientation.


Possible values are:

Value Type Example Meaning
automatic string “first”: “automatic” A default of 1 is chosen.
<row_index> integer “first”: 2 A manually integer value greater than 1.


For row_based orientation, the first and last row must be identical if both are set manually.


Possible values are:

Value Type Example Meaning
automatic string “last”: “automatic”
column_based The worksheet dimensions are read by the library openpyxl. The greatest column index (of all columns) is chosen.
row_based The value of the entry in ‘first’ is chosen. If it’s set to ‘automatic’, 1 is chosen.
<row_index> integer “last”: 2 A manually set integer value not smaller than 1.
severalEmptyCells:<cell_count> string “last”: “severalEmptyCells:3”
column_based The last header column will be chosen using a search algorithm. If, after a non-empty column, several (<cell_count>) directly following empty cells are found, the last non-empty column is considered the last column.
row_based Same as ‘automatic’. The given <cell_count> value has no meaning.


This dictionary specifies the location of the data in the worksheet.

The dictionary always has 2 keys:

Value Type Meaning
row_index dictionary Defines the row cells for the data in the chosen orientation.
column_index dictionary Defines the column cells for the data in the chosen orientation.


Note that all row and column indices are 1-based. That means the upper left cell of a worksheet is in row 1 and column 1 (==’A’), just like in Excel.


This dictionary specifies the row cells for the data in the chosen orientation.

The dictionary always has 2 keys:

Value Type Meaning
first string or integer Defines the first data row.
last string or integer Defines the last data row.


Possible values are:

Value Type Example Meaning
automatic string “first”: “automatic”
column_based A default of <first_header_row> + 1 is chosen. That means the data comes directly after the headers.
row_based The <first_header_row> is chosen.
<row_index> integer “first”: 2 A manually integer value greater than 1.


Possible values are:

Value Type Example Meaning
automatic string “last”: “automatic”
column_based The worksheet dimensions are read by the library openpyxl. The greatest row index (of all rows) is chosen.
row_based The value of the entry in ‘last header row’ is chosen or its automatically calculated value is taken.
<row_index> integer “last”: 2 A manually set integer value not smaller than 1.
severalEmptyCells:<cell_count> string “last”: “severalEmptyCells:3”
column_based The last data row will be chosen using a search algorithm. If, after a non-empty row, several (<cell_count>) directly following empty rows are found, the last non-empty row is considered the last row. A row is empty if all columns in that row are empty.
row_based The value of the entry in ‘last header row’ is chosen or its automatically calculated value is taken.


This dictionary specifies the column cells for the data in the chosen orientation.


Possible values are:

Value Type Example Meaning
automatic string “first”: “automatic”
column_based The <first_header_column> is chosen.
row_based A default of <first_header_column> + 1 is chosen. That means the data comes directly after the headers.
<row_index> integer “first”: 2 A manually integer value greater than 1.


Possible values are:

Value Type Example Meaning
automatic string “last”: “automatic”
column_based The value of the entry in ‘last header column’ is chosen or its automatically calculated value is taken.
row_based The worksheet dimensions are read by the library openpyxl. The greatest column index (of all columns) is chosen.
<row_index> integer “last”: 2 A manually set integer value not smaller than 1.
severalEmptyCells:<cell_count> string “last”: “severalEmptyCells:3”
column_based The value of the entry in ‘last header column’ is chosen or its automatically calculated value is taken.
row_based The last data column will be chosen using a search algorithm. If, after a non-empty column, several (<cell_count>) directly following empty columns are found, the last non-empty column is considered the last column. A column is empty if all rows in that column are empty.


This array specifies the data type for each header. The validation is done against this specification.

Possible base types are:

Value Meaning
automatic No validation is done. The value is passed as read by openpyxl.
date A Python datetime.datetime instance. The validation fails if a cell does not contain a date.
enum A set of allowed strings can be specified. The validation fails if a cell contains text which is not part of the allowed string list.
float A floating point number is expected. Minimum and maximum can optionally be specified.
integer An integer number is expected. Minimum and maximum can optionally be specified.
string A string is expected. A regular expression pattern can optionally be specified. The Python implementation is used.

Common parameters

Parameter Type Meaning
header string The name of the header. The worksheet will be searched for this name.
fail_on_type_error bool
If true, a ValueError exception is raised if the type does not fit or a constraint fails.
If false, just a log message (log level error) is dumped if the type does not fit or a constraint fails.
fail_on_empty_cell bool
If true, a ValueError exception is raised if an empty cell is found.
If false, just a log message (log level error) is dumped if an empty cell is found.
fail_on_header_not_found bool
If true, a ValueError exception is raised if the corresponding header cannot be found in the spreadsheet.
If false, just a log message (log level error) is dumped if the corresponding header cannot be found in the spreadsheet. The output data dictionary will not contain that header.
The field header is mandatory for all types.

The following fields are optional for all types. If not given, a default of true is chosen for these.

  • fail_on_type_error
  • fail_on_empty_cell
  • fail_on_header_not_found


The field base is mandatory for all types.



"type": {
    "base": "automatic"



"type": {
    "base": "date"



"type": {
    "base": "enum",
    "enum_values": [<list_of_string_values>]

The enum_values field is mandatory.

The enum type supports filtering using a whitelist of enum values:

"type": {
    "base": "enum",
    "enum_values": [<list_of_string_values>],
    "filter": {
        "whitelist_values": [<list_of_allowed_values>]

Within the filter property, the whitelist_values field is mandatory.

The target data will only returns data rows/columns containing the specified allowed values. It’s possible to have filters on several enum types. In this case, only rows/columns are returned which are contained by both filters.



"type": {
    "base": "float",
    "minimum": <min_value>,
    "maximum": <max_value>

The minimum field is optional. The maximum field is optional. If the minimum or maximum constraint fails, it will be handled as a type error (see Common parameters).


For documents saved by MS Excel, openpyxl returns integer values with the ‘float’ data type (e.g. 33345.0). The ExcelValidationPattern checks if the float can be converted to int without precision loss (using ‘value.is_integer()’). If yes a type cast to int is done, that means you can always expect the ‘int’ type. If no it is a type error.



"type": {
    "base": "integer",
    "minimum": <min_value>,
    "maximum": <max_value>

The minimum field is optional. The maximum field is optional. If the minimum or maximum constraint fails, it will be handled as a type error (see Common parameters).


For Python 2.7, openpyxl returns integers with the ‘long’ data type. For Python 3, openpyxl returns text with the ‘int’ data type. Both are accepted by the above integer type. No type conversion is done by ExcelValidationPattern.



"type": {
    "base": "string",
    "convert_numbers": <bool>,
    "pattern": "<regex_pattern>"

The pattern field is optional. If the pattern constraint fails, it will be handled as a type error (see Common parameters).

The pattern will be checked using the Python routine. If you would like to check the whole cell value, use the anchors ^ and $.


Both types ‘unicode’ and ‘str’ are accepted by above string type. No type conversion is done by ExcelValidationPattern.

The convert_numbers field is optional.

If it is true, the numeric types ‘int’, ‘long’ and ‘float’ are casted to a string using the str() routine. As a consequence, no type error will occur.

If it is false, the numeric types ‘int’, ‘long’ and ‘float’ lead to a type error. This is helpful in situation where the type can either be a number or text.


This dictionary specifies how filters affect errors of excluded rows/columns. Excluded rows/columns are commonly not of primary interest to the user, so it makes sense to mask errors that might arise there. The variables set here can overwrite the data type definitions.

Parameter Type Meaning
excluded_fail_on_empty_cell bool
If true, an empty cell in an excluded row/column will still raise an exception.
If false, an empty cell in an excluded row/column will not raise an exception.
excluded_fail_on_type_error bool
If true, a type error in an excluded row/column will still raise an exception.
If false, a type error in an excluded row/column will not raise an exception.
excluded_enable_logging bool
If true, empty cell and type errors which are configured not to raise an exception, will still be logged.
If false, empty cell and type errors which are configured not to raise an exception, will not be logged.

Example 1:

"filter_properties": {
    "excluded_fail_on_empty_cell": false,
    "excluded_fail_on_type_error": false,
    "excluded_enable_logging": false

In above case, errors in excluded rows/columns will neither raise an exception nor be logged.

Example 2:

"filter_properties": {
    "excluded_fail_on_empty_cell": true,
    "excluded_fail_on_type_error": false,
    "excluded_enable_logging": true

In above case, empty cell errors in excluded rows/columns will raise exceptions. Type errors in excluded rows/columns, however, will just be logged.